Original Story
I thought long and hard about starting this blog. I didn’t want to feel like I was doing it because I was supposed to or because it was on “trend.” I wanted it to be a source of joy for me when I finally did it. That is what after all, the resonating undercurrent of 2025 is for me.
To find the Joy again in the work that I do on a daily basis. To feel true joy when spending time with my kids and family, and less stress over what I left at the office. To do more of the things that used to (and still do) bring me so much joy. Traveling, cooking, music, and yes, writing. I truly enjoy to write, but over the years I have found little inspiration to do so. Mostly because I lacked the time or the creative space I needed to feed my soul, so that I would be inspired to sit down and put pen to paper. I have found much joy in the power of saying “no” and giving myself space to work on my pride and allowing myself the grace for not getting it perfect every time. A therapist told me last year, that I “hold myself to a much higher level of perfection than anybody else does.” That is both my strongest and perhaps weakest attribute.
When it comes to our studio, I do create a level of perfection that we aim to meet on every project. Without that, I don’t think we would ever grow and I intend to grow not by size but creatively and by the work that we put out into the world.
The idea of perfection is also a weakness for me when it comes to feeling joy. It has crippled me often into believing that I couldn’t’ take risks unless I got it absolutely perfect, and that has stripped me of the joy I could have felt by doing things that I love to do, even if there was a chance I might mess it up.
So, here we are with the introduction of “The Guest House Studio, Stories.” This will be a place where I share all sorts of things that I hope bring you Joy and serve my community in some capacity. I will be sharing personal stories, recipes, things about home (of course), lifestyle and travel advice, and to be honest, who knows what else. My small but mighty team is working on rolling out a lot of exciting things in 2025 so please subscribe or follow along. We would truly love for you to be a part of it.